Mar 19, 2022 | Baby Photoshoots Brockford, Maternity Photoshoots Brockford

Pregnancy is evergreen. You’re probably wondering what I mean by this. Well, I firmly believe that it never gets old and every pregnancy is unique. And regardless of whether it’s your first pregnancy or not, believe you me, there are waves of emotion and anxiety that are experienced anew with every pregnancy.

Just remember that you’re an awesome mom and you’ve got this. As your due date approaches, you may find yourself stressing about absolutely everything and to help you through it, I’ve compiled a list of 10 things that you should do before the baby arrives.

The nursery

Your baby can surprise you by making an entry when you least expect it, and I’d suggest having the nursery set up at least 6 weeks before your due date.

Along with a changing station and crib, some drawers stocked with vests, onesies, blankets and diapers are a must.

Household items

You’re still going to have to meet your daily household needs, and stocking up before you give birth is ideal.

Your freezer groceries and detergents are priorities but don’t forget healthy snacks for yourself. Include extra sanitisers around the home because everyone will want to get their hands on the new baby.


You can never be over-prepared, and a quick peek into your medicine cabinet will let you know what over the counter medicine you will need to replenish.

The up loose ends

I found the nesting phase in my last trimester hilarious. It actually is a thing, and you can use this time to finish up any projects that you may have started.

pregnancy photoshoot suffolk 10

Your maternity bag

This is a huge one, and again, I’d say that your maternity bag should be packed at least 6 weeks before you’re due.

Baby diapers, baby clothes, bottles, blankets and your PJs and clothes along with toiletries are essential.


This is something moms tend to overlook, but sourcing out an excellent Pediatrician pre-birth offers incredible security should you need one immediately after birth.

Birth plan

Discuss your birth plan with your doctor and partner. You may want specifics in the delivery room, and you want to discuss issues like pain management and breastfeeding.

Also, remember to include niggly information such as visitors post-birth.

Take care of you

This is extremely important.

A little rest and relaxation can include getting your hair or nails done, or even just a prenatal massage or quiet time on your own.

Date night

I guarantee you that the new baby will be the centre of everyone’s attention, and demanding most of your time too.

Plan a date night just before you give birth to give you some alone time with your partner.

In addition, spending a little extra time with your older kids adds immense value in helping them to cope with the new arrival.

Maternity photoshoot

Capture that pregnancy glow and the memories that last a lifetime with a pregnancy photoshoot.

Include your entire family, and make it as unique and as beautiful as you are!


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